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The Faithonomics Bulletin

Queering the American Dream

Hey Reader,

This week I had the privilege of welcoming Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber, the author of Queering the American Dream, to the Faithonomics Podcast. Our conversation centered around her experience traversing the American landscape with her Queer Family in a small camper named Freya as she wrestled with her faith, her understanding of vocation, and the loss of her brother to addiction.

For Angela and her family, the American Dream looked different. Instead of buying a home, they bought a camper. Instead of sticking to a particular career, she left a full-time job so that she could recover from capitalism and redefine her understanding of work and purpose. Our conversation made me realize how many Queer people, myself included, have had to reimagine the American Dream in ways that fit our lived reality.

I know many of you already know my story, but for those of you who don't, I came out my Senior year of college and in the process lost my family. While queer folks getting disowned by their family isn't an uncommon narrative, especially in the American Bible Belt, a part of that reality that remains unspoken is the financial hardships that come as a result of that rejection. It was only after I came out that I experienced housing insecurity and my personal battle with poverty began. The sad thing? My story isn't unique. According to The LGBTQI+ Economic and Financial Survey (2023), 62% of LGBTQI+ folks report not being able to rely financially on their family after coming out. For many Queer folks, in a moment when we should be feeling freedom and affirmation, we instead experience worry, anxiety, and depression.

If you are a Queer person reading this and struggling with your sense of call, money, or faith, know that you are not alone. Your journey is one traveled by many of us in our own unique ways. The American Dream can still be a possibility for you, but you have to stop letting others define what your American Dream looks like.

As for our allies - remember that our coming out isn't a one-time event and often our decision to be public with our identity comes with repercussions that you cannot see. We thank you for your support and allyship and invite you to continue building communities of support that provide both refuge and advancement for Queer folks. Together, and with a bit of wild imagination, we can begin to reclaim the American Dream in a more just and authentic way.


Listen to our interview with author Angela Yarber!

Angela Yarber is the Founder and Director of Tehom Center Publishing and the Author of Queering the American Dream.

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