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The Faithonomics Bulletin

Lessons Learned Being 32

Hey Reader,

Today, I turned thirty-three. As I celebrate what my clergy friends call my "Jesus Year Birthday," I can't help but reflect on my past year of living. For me, 32 felt like the first year I really adult-ed and what I mean by that is despite all that happened in the last year, it had a normalcy to it.

Sure, some of that was intentional - like establishing a easy financial maintenance routine by automating my Roth IRA contributions, automating my giving to church, and automating my credit card payments every month. But some of it also just kinda happened - like becoming a regular volunteer with a local animal rescue or getting to know my neighbors and sharing lawn care tips and cherished recipes with them over wine. Yet despite this normalcy, I feel like I learned so much from the people and communities that were part of my routine and wanted to share a few with you. So here you go:

  • The cheapest way to whiten your teeth is with charcoal powder.
  • It's okay to consider a colleague a friend.
  • It's also okay to not be friends with your colleagues.
  • The older you get, the more you say, "I got it at Costco."
  • Naps on rainy days are a whole new level of sacredness.
  • Establishing a budget with your partner is hard, but doable.
  • You have to sharpen your lawnmower blades.
  • Good marketing can fool anyone (yours truly included).

This week I want to simply encourage you to take some time to reflect. Not just around your finances and your work, but around life. My bet is that you have learned some pretty cool things this past year. Maybe not a new language or how to play a new instrument, but let's be practical! Honestly, my learning that I need to sharpen my lawnmower blades has benefited me so much this summer. For me, it is a good reminder. Those little wins, those little learnings, and those little things are so very important.

With Wild Imagination,


Did You Know?

As a social impact venture, Faithonomics is committed to eradicating poverty in our hometown of Winston-Salem. We founded The Wild Imagination Fund of the Winston-Salem Foundation in 2023 to lean into that mission. Through private donations and 10% of Faithonomics profits, the fund aims to fund anti-poverty work in our community.

Introducing My Money Mosaic

The Faithonomics Podcast is shaking things up for our Summer 2024 Season. Over the course of eight weeks, Rayce will be introducing us to My Money Mosaic - Faithonomics' signature money management framework used to help leaders increase their financial fluency and curate a financial plan that fits their unique calls and realities. Listen to the trailer below!

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The Faithonomics Bulletin

A weekly newsletter curated by Rev. Rayce J. Lamb, CFEI ®

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